Monday, June 2, 2008

what do you live for?

What do i Live for? that is a very good question, i have always thought about that, but when i never knew what i would live for but i know now what to live for and that is for the sake of my parents and my future wife and kids. also that i want to live for homeless people or the people that are in alot of need for who has absolutely no money. i want to dedicate my life to helping people with my money that is what i want to live for.

Have nice life sal, i'll come visit u when ever i come back in town.


i never thought that race can be of so many races i mean. i always looked at race as white, brown, black and
even yellow for asian people. Guess i was wrong, but i've never looked at in any
racist manner or anything. in america we are only worrying about our selves
and nobody really cares about anything or anyone else that much.
that is where race comes in and that is why we don't think about
it and end believing there is only possibility.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Regardung 30 Days

After watching 30 days on minimum wage, made mne feel so sad; that there are so many people working so hard for money yet they gain nothing out of it. Instead most of get sick and spend most of their savings on their medicals bills or on their children. Watching this video actually reminded me of my family, when we first came to U.S. my family had nothing. at first we lived at my uncles place at New York for a month, to settle down and to know how the country or the system works. Around here then my dad went out for job hunting and ended working at kohls i think. I was pretty young back then, but i still remember how hard they worked to bering our family out of poverty. from NY we move to chicago and over here we satyed at one of dad's friends house for $300 a month and later my dad had to work two jobs in the morning and over night at a gas station. we didn't had a tv, bed, couches, dining table, and a car heck we didn't even had a chair to sit on. for first two years it was horrilble i hate it my life. But then man my parents worked so much and all was for me and my brother. My brother and i were the only people taht kept them going on. To make our lives better they made theirs miserable. Later on as the years passed on my dad tried many different jobs even as a taxi driver and my mom would work at walmart as cashier. My dad realized that miminum wage wouldn't be enough to survive in this country so he started searching for a business and well yea i guess u could say that getting a business helped my family get out of poverty but even a business required alot work.. i could say alot more, but yea there no way a person can live a good life on minimum it's almost impossible specially with kids.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Social Classes

It's pretty amazing how people in poverty manage to survive with so less money. When I imagine my self being in poverty, i feel as though i can't survive in such a small world. But when people want to make their lives better by hard work. they are still looked down on either by their families or friends, saying things like u'r trying to b someone u'r not. but the wat i don't understand is that if you can work hard to obtain money or u can make u'r life then, wat's so wrong abt it? i mean u r working for it right?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

saturday skoo & LOP jus lik prison....

Hi. when I was watching 30 days in prison, damn i felt as though, i was in prison just by watching or thinking about it. how hard it would be to not do anything you want, basically the rules and everything is made up for you, you don't have to think about anything. Kind of like our school everything here is made up of rules. when watching 30 days in prison it made me feel as though i might end up in jail too. but then again i don't do illegal things, but it reminded me of saturday school and lop. what they do in saturday school is take all the kids lock us in a big room from 8:00 am in the morning till 11:00 am but in the middle around 9:30 am you get a small bathroom break. honestly though kids saturday school most of us can't really do any home work it just so hard when they force us to do. then again they say we don't have to do anything but we have to make it look like we are working and as long as were quite were okay. The thing is that not alot people can do their home work in a saturday morning and to me personally sitting there quiet for 3 hrs in the morning and you can't even sleep, u have to sit and not make a single noise. i think that's like mind torture it's so stupid pointless and every time i go to saturday i end seeing the same people for the stupidest reasons. Same with LOP they make you give up half u'r lunch period and then the student itches to wait for that half period to end and that makes the time go really slow in our lil heads and drives sum of us nuts, but the only good thing is that you can talk in there. unlike saturday school u cannot talk at all unless it really important. so yea jus like prison.

Monday, April 28, 2008


In todays society if you are fit you have respect and people will not mess with you. if you are not fit then you are considered weak and a harmless kid who could be a much easier target that could be picked on. If you are getting picked you have to stand up for u'r self or people will continuiously will try to pick on u. You get emotional then you lose all the manly respect and will be considered either gay or a loser. if you want ppl to respect u then u gotta put a strong personality on and a touch. that is how society is atleast that is what become of it.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bowling for columbine

Let me just start this wit a WOW. Honestly in all my 18 yrs of life i've never thought that ppl like that actually existed. I mean these ppl are so use to guns that they act like it's a childs play. No, infact they got so used to it, that they let their guns lie around in their houses so kids can take it and end up shooting other little kids. wow it's really nice to know the world's powerful country is actually insane on the inside. By the constitution they may have the right to bear arms, but the govt should atleast make some sort of new rule, that can lower the risk of guns that end up killing little girls or other kids. another dissapointment, i thought was that the person who was the president or i think the leader or something. he didn't feel bad or even apologized for that 6yr girl who died. Personally i think that no one has the right to kill another.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Men Vs. Women

when we discussed the things about men and women in class. all the girls got mad like men trying to make women look bad but that's not what men are saying plus even some women say things like about them-selves. wen we were discussing that in the class all you girls got emotional as one of the sentimentals things about women and men are just stating facts and of course men cannot live with out womens and women cannot live with out men. what i am trying is that in ways we are both equal i do not remember wat was on the sheet but they were all true. whether u girls like it or not those were facts and same about us. Women easily get worked up and they don't try understand the situation and say stupid things which is y women are unintelligent i mean sure u can be smart in school or college but i wouldn't street smart sorry. Hey despite all wat women are i need girls to survive i mean i'll say this women are far better looking than men they smell alot better then them too.

Human Animals:

I always try to think of so many ways the world can be crazy but i never thought that man can actually go live in the wild. i mean usually one could easily get sick or just die of diseases. But these guys are amazing they actually went out and survived and even made friends with animals i mean wow. u don't hear that every day. personally i would never be able to live out in the wild. it's so hard to believe that a kid went out and drank milk from a dog. i mean doesn't that have some sort of diseases or something. and yet he survived. hearing these things i guess almost alot of things can be possible and man the world's a big place in order for us.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Awkward moment

last night i was at walmart and i went to the cash register to purchase sum products. I put my stuff on the register and then i looked up straight all i saw was a body and i was like wow and i lift up my head n looked it was a 6foot1 women standing and i was like wow i was still in a surprise and she saw the look on my face was like it's ok after that i felt so bad y did do that. i did apologize to her but ifelt i heart her deep.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Doing Nothing

The assignment in class was to do absolutely nothing for ten minutes. meaning u couldn't think anything at all. Wat i did for my assignment was that i sat on my cough and started staring outside my patio. n also i was a bit tired too at that moment. while i was doing nothing my brother approached me and well he thought sumthing was wrong wit me and he tried to talk to me but i didn't answer him. all of a sudden wat he did was call my mom outta knowhere n i was like still doing nothing. my mom comes runing she sees me just staring into space or straight she asked me wat was wrong. that day i had come from track practice and i needed to sleep so my eyes were turned red. n my face looking pale. my mom got so worried that she started to think i smkoked sumthing big n i was in a shock n the she started shaking me n then i was like. mom it's ok im ok don't worry it's just an class assignment. n i explained the whole situation to her. but while i was doing nothing it seemed really hard to do nothing. for somereason humans can never do nothing for long period of time. us humans always have to do sumthing in order to keep peace in mind.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

tuesday's with morrie

First of all tuesday with morrie man that was an awesome movie. it was so touching i couldn't cry lol jk. but really it was a pretty nice movie. I think that sum ppl thought dat it was a bad movie, but i bet in their hearts they all thought it was touching and it was all true. I mean personally i think i learned alot about life. the main character did not knew wat he was doing or wat he wanted to do with his life instead he was just wasting it all by working and being busy all the time. not having time forhimself and forgetting how to appreciate life he has. Until he sees morrie on the tv and visits him then he started to apreciate wat life is and starts to make to time for his personal life n his fiance janine. This movie should be affected to evry1 cause it helps ppl realize the greatness of life is. I mean it sure helped me realize that i have a wonderful life n i should appreciate wat i got. ppl say all kinds of stuff n fail to realize wat it means instead they're too busy trying impress other ppl or look good.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Teen Pregnancy& regarding Juno

This movie Juno i have not seen it but who know it probably is a good movie, but it is definitely not fun getting in high school that's just plain stupid. i mean yea having sex is probably the most amazing thing ever but still getting pregnant is a big decision and having sex i think is also a big decision. i Know one thing for sure the day i make a girl pregnant that will be my wedding. If Juno or any other girl thought or think that getting pregnant will get her boyfriend closer to her than she's probably the dumbest idiot ever because during high school most guys don't love the girl they date. they probably just like the girl and date them or even have sex for pleasure. and i would say the same thing for girls. Girls like pleasure too and they wanna guy for pleasure they get them and use them for their own pleasure. but at least when teens are still in college they shouldn't trust one another. when a girl get pregnant they guy will want to back off cause he no wanna baby too soon. he still a kid. if teenage girls think it'll cause a guy to be closer to them with being pregnant, then they should all go to mental hospitals. but knowing SHS kids here well you go here you should know.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Oddysey is a really fun festival that stevenson high school has made for students to enjoy, but there are still some bad classes in there that i think it's worthless and if u end with them then that would be u'r bad day. My first period in odyssey was a lecture about the art business like a regular business class you take in school. i think that is a worthless class and it so boring i started getting impatient luckily for me one of my friends was sitting by me. so wat i do is while the lecture was going on i started playing thumb wars with that made my time fun and the class was getting jealous cause my friend and i were playing thumb wars while all of them sat infront listning to the boring lecture lady. Anyways that class was pointless and my other classes were pretty awesome. such as: cake decorating,chapter 6, and bunch of more good classes i can't remember right now. aight hope you guys liked my story. peace till next post.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Awkwardness of Silence

when you don't see some one for a while and then you finally meet with them and go out to dinner s you could be in touch and then u'r just sitting at the dinner table wondering how to start a convesation with that person espicially wen u had a big fight when the last time you saw him or her. then you just say something and then it still becomes awkward or when you go on a date with some one you like soo much and you are just nervous don't know wat to say to u'r date. every time i go across those momments i feel so awkward and then if i am at home wit some one alone don't know wat to say i jus turn on the tv and go cook something so both of can eat.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Me on Blogging

I think blogging is kind of cool because you get to interact with all kinds of people all over the world, if you want to interact with them. You can learn all sorts of things about other cultures, learn more about life from other parts of the world from people. Also you can learn what type of class mates you are with since this is for class unless you really want interact with other people through the world. i haven't been blogging because i had been busy with some work. so yea starting i will be blogging regurlarly.aight till next time peace out.