Thursday, March 6, 2008


Oddysey is a really fun festival that stevenson high school has made for students to enjoy, but there are still some bad classes in there that i think it's worthless and if u end with them then that would be u'r bad day. My first period in odyssey was a lecture about the art business like a regular business class you take in school. i think that is a worthless class and it so boring i started getting impatient luckily for me one of my friends was sitting by me. so wat i do is while the lecture was going on i started playing thumb wars with that made my time fun and the class was getting jealous cause my friend and i were playing thumb wars while all of them sat infront listning to the boring lecture lady. Anyways that class was pointless and my other classes were pretty awesome. such as: cake decorating,chapter 6, and bunch of more good classes i can't remember right now. aight hope you guys liked my story. peace till next post.

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