Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bowling for columbine

Let me just start this wit a WOW. Honestly in all my 18 yrs of life i've never thought that ppl like that actually existed. I mean these ppl are so use to guns that they act like it's a childs play. No, infact they got so used to it, that they let their guns lie around in their houses so kids can take it and end up shooting other little kids. wow it's really nice to know the world's powerful country is actually insane on the inside. By the constitution they may have the right to bear arms, but the govt should atleast make some sort of new rule, that can lower the risk of guns that end up killing little girls or other kids. another dissapointment, i thought was that the person who was the president or i think the leader or something. he didn't feel bad or even apologized for that 6yr girl who died. Personally i think that no one has the right to kill another.

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