Thursday, April 3, 2008

Doing Nothing

The assignment in class was to do absolutely nothing for ten minutes. meaning u couldn't think anything at all. Wat i did for my assignment was that i sat on my cough and started staring outside my patio. n also i was a bit tired too at that moment. while i was doing nothing my brother approached me and well he thought sumthing was wrong wit me and he tried to talk to me but i didn't answer him. all of a sudden wat he did was call my mom outta knowhere n i was like still doing nothing. my mom comes runing she sees me just staring into space or straight she asked me wat was wrong. that day i had come from track practice and i needed to sleep so my eyes were turned red. n my face looking pale. my mom got so worried that she started to think i smkoked sumthing big n i was in a shock n the she started shaking me n then i was like. mom it's ok im ok don't worry it's just an class assignment. n i explained the whole situation to her. but while i was doing nothing it seemed really hard to do nothing. for somereason humans can never do nothing for long period of time. us humans always have to do sumthing in order to keep peace in mind.

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