Tuesday, May 6, 2008

saturday skoo & LOP jus lik prison....

Hi. when I was watching 30 days in prison, damn i felt as though, i was in prison just by watching or thinking about it. how hard it would be to not do anything you want, basically the rules and everything is made up for you, you don't have to think about anything. Kind of like our school everything here is made up of rules. when watching 30 days in prison it made me feel as though i might end up in jail too. but then again i don't do illegal things, but it reminded me of saturday school and lop. what they do in saturday school is take all the kids lock us in a big room from 8:00 am in the morning till 11:00 am but in the middle around 9:30 am you get a small bathroom break. honestly though kids saturday school most of us can't really do any home work it just so hard when they force us to do. then again they say we don't have to do anything but we have to make it look like we are working and as long as were quite were okay. The thing is that not alot people can do their home work in a saturday morning and to me personally sitting there quiet for 3 hrs in the morning and you can't even sleep, u have to sit and not make a single noise. i think that's like mind torture it's so stupid pointless and every time i go to saturday i end seeing the same people for the stupidest reasons. Same with LOP they make you give up half u'r lunch period and then the student itches to wait for that half period to end and that makes the time go really slow in our lil heads and drives sum of us nuts, but the only good thing is that you can talk in there. unlike saturday school u cannot talk at all unless it really important. so yea jus like prison.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds horrible I'd be going out of my mind. When I had LOP it was ok because the teacher let us talk but still even in LOP you felt like you had no freedom you had to be there at a certain time sit in certain seats and not talk. It was annoying and nothing like prison but that scary bc I can't even imagine being in prison.