Thursday, February 14, 2008

Awkwardness of Silence

when you don't see some one for a while and then you finally meet with them and go out to dinner s you could be in touch and then u'r just sitting at the dinner table wondering how to start a convesation with that person espicially wen u had a big fight when the last time you saw him or her. then you just say something and then it still becomes awkward or when you go on a date with some one you like soo much and you are just nervous don't know wat to say to u'r date. every time i go across those momments i feel so awkward and then if i am at home wit some one alone don't know wat to say i jus turn on the tv and go cook something so both of can eat.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Me on Blogging

I think blogging is kind of cool because you get to interact with all kinds of people all over the world, if you want to interact with them. You can learn all sorts of things about other cultures, learn more about life from other parts of the world from people. Also you can learn what type of class mates you are with since this is for class unless you really want interact with other people through the world. i haven't been blogging because i had been busy with some work. so yea starting i will be blogging regurlarly.aight till next time peace out.